Mission Township Cemetery
Located at 28056 Cty. Rd. 19 just East of Mission Cutoff. If you are interested in purchasing a cemetery plot contact clerk Anna Anderson at 218-765-4377 or missionclerk@gmail.com.
(Non-Township Residents or Non-Property Owners need to be approved by the Township Supervisors)
Cemetery Plot: $300 (Resident or Property Owner)
$600 (Non-Resident or Non-Property Owner)
Burial Open/Close: $600 – Summer
$1,200 – Winter
Cremation Burial: $200 – Summer
$600 – Winter
Administrative Fee: $50 At time of burial
Click here for Rules & Regulations: Cemetery Rules & Regulations Revised Sept 13 2021
Cemetery Request of Information Form
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in a Mission Township cemetery plot.